About HawkPRINT
HCC provides students with a $1.50 allotment of free printing per month. The policy change reflects implementing a sustainable print strategy to cut costs and reduce environmental impact.
Students must add funds to their HawkPRINT account by logging in to hawkprint.hccfl.edu using their HawkMail address and password.
To print, students will either swipe their Hawk Card, use their Student ID and PIN or enter their HawkMail address and password at a print station.
Articles (6)
This KB Article provides overall information about the HawkPrint solution that is powered by PaperCut.
This KB Article gives the user instruction on accessing and operating the panel on copiers provided by Toshiba.
This KB article provided guidance regarding adding a printer to your Windows computer.
This article describes the procedure for obtain support for any physical issues with Toshiba & Lexmark printers.