This article will guide you on how to utilize the Wi-Fi system at Hillsborough Community College using devices running Apple's OSX operating system. Before connecting, please understand that by doing so you are agreeing to the College's Acceptable Use Policy.
INFO: Due to the many variations of OSX, we are unable to provide documentation for all versions.
Enable your wireless card. Go to your devices home screen. In the upper right corner of the screen, click on the wireless icon.

Click on Turn Wi-Fi On.

Now that your wireless card is enabled, single click on the wireless icon located in the upper right-hand corner of your screen once again.

A list of available wireless networks will now appear and you will see HCC_Wireless as an available wireless network. Click on HCC_Wireless to connect.

Enter your username and password. Your Username will be your HCC email address for example:

- Student: student@hawkmail.hccfl.edu
- Employee: employee@hccfl.edu
Before you click Join, verify that Mode is set to Automatic and Remember this network is check marked. Then click Join.
Trust the certificate from nac.hccfl.edu by clicking Continue. This will install the certificate on your device.

Some devices may ask you to enter the Administrative credentials for the computer to install the certificate. This is NOT your username and password for the college. It is the admin account you, a family member, or other organization created. Often, it is simply the username and password you logged into the device with. Enter the Administrative account username and password into the corresponding boxes and click Update Settings.

You are now connected to the HCC_Wireless Network.

INFO: You will be asked to log in again anytime your password changes.